Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Commission

Notice is hereby given that the following named persons and/or entities have applied to obtain, transfer, or amend authority to transport passengers for hire between points in the Washington Metropolitan Area Transit District. Transfers of authority include mergers, acquisitions, or other transfers of control of a carrier or a carrier’s assets or operations.

Each application is available for viewing by the public at the Commission’s office during normal business hours. The individual deadlines for filing protests, comments, applications for intervention, and requests for formal hearing in the following proceedings are listed below. Copies must be served on the applicant’s designated contact at the address provided in this notice, or otherwise in accordance with Rule No. 5. Before filing, consult Commission Rules 4, 13, and 16 for information about the filing requirements.

Application of MS TRANSPORTAION LLC for a Certificate of Authority -- Irregular Route Operations
- - SUVs - - - -
- - Other Mileage or Hourly - Airport Shuttle - Medicaid - - - Private Contract
MD limited liability company
Protest Period
MS Transportaion LLC
Mohammad Sana Ullah, President
359 Daleview Drive
Glen Burnie, MD 21060-7683
Application of EARL DAVIS BOONE for a Certificate of Authority -- Irregular Route Operations
Sedans - - SUVs - Vans - - -
- - Other Mileage or Hourly - - - - -
sole proprietor
Protest Period
Earl Davis Boone
Earl Davis Boone, Sole Proprietor
123 Eagle Head Drive
Fort Washington, MD 20744-5736
Application of BK LIMO SERVICE LLC for a Certificate of Authority -- Irregular Route Operations
- - SUVs - - - -
Charter - Sightseeing - Other Mileage or Hourly - Airport Shuttle - Medicaid - Private-Pay Ambulatory & or Wheelchair - Government Contract - Private
DC limited liability company
Protest Period
BK Limo Service LLC
Biruk Wondimu Abebe, CEO
1300 Constitution Avenue, N.E., #204
Washington, DC 20002-6452
Application of SUCCESS FOR BUSINESS LLC, Trading as WORLDWIDE DRIVER, for a Certificate of Authority -- Irregular Route Operations
- - SUVs - - - -
Charter - - - - - - -
MD limited liability company
Protest Period
Success for Business LLC
Worldwide Driver
Kevin Jason Polite, Co-founder
7805 Old Georgetown Road, #202
Bethesda, MD 20814-2460
Application of EAZY VIBES TRANSPORTATION L.L.C., Trading as EAZY VIBES TRANSPORTATION, for a Certificate of Authority -- Irregular Route Operations
- - - Vans - - -
- - Other Mileage or Hourly - - - - -
MD limited liability company
Protest Period
Eazy Vibes Transportation L.L.C.
Eazy Vibes Transportation
Terrica Shuntay Johnson, Representative
1221 Hinton Drive
Huntingtown, MD 20639-9764
Application of JAYBROOKS AUTO GROUP LLC for a Certificate of Authority -- Irregular Route Operations
Sedans - - - - - -
- - Other Mileage or Hourly - - - - -
MD limited liability company
Protest Period
Jaybrooks Auto Group LLC
Samantha Pendleton, Office Manager
8627 Liberty Road, #2D
Randallstown, MD 21133-4762
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