Interstate Taxicab Fares:
To estimate a fare for a taxicab trip in the Washington Metropolitan Area, follow this two-step process.
Calculate the mileage of your trip using Google Maps or some other mapping tool.
Select the appropriate rate chart below. (Generally, the taxicab you hail or call should be licensed by the jurisdiction where your trip begins). Round the mileage up to the next half-mile or mile, depending on which rate chart you select, and find the corresponding base fare. Remember to include any applicable incidental charges listed at the bottom of the rate sheet.
NOTE: This process produces an approximate fare. The fare on the meter may vary depending on the route actually traveled and traffic congestion. The driver is required to take the shortest route unless the passenger orders otherwise. Keep in mind that the shortest route is not always the quickest route.
Interstate Rates for Alexandria Taxicabs
Interstate Rates for Arlington County Taxicabs
Interstate Rates for District of Columbia Taxicabs
Interstate Rates for Fairfax County Taxicabs
Interstate Rates for Montgomery County Taxicabs
Interstate Rates for Prince George's County Taxicabs
Interstate Rates for Washington Flyer Taxicabs (Operating out of Dulles airport)
Tips for Safe Travel:
Before entering a taxicab, make sure that the driver's hack license with photograph is displayed in plain sight and that seat belts are available and functioning. Have the driver stow loose luggage in the trunk.
Overcharge Complaints:
Please click here if you wish to file a Taxicab Overcharge Complaint.
Local Government Taxicab Links:
Alexandria, VA
Arlington, VA
Fairfax, VA
District of Columbia
Montgomery County, MD
Prince George’s County, MD
Local Airport Taxicab links:
BWI Marshall
Dulles International
Reagan National